

You don't really have to know me all that well to know that I love quotes. Whether they are the classic, brief, and yet keenly insightful observations by men such as Benjamin Franklin. The somewhat trite but still true sayings that everyone knows but nobody remembers to use. The less quote-able but equally insightful and thought provoking points made by professors. Or poetry and song lyrics, whose poignant word pictures cloy at the heart and imagination and resonate with parts of ourselves we hadn't previously been able to put into words.

I love reading books and articles seeking out the best and most concisely phrased ideas and writing them down in books to reread and remember later. In fact, part of the reason that I sometimes read less than I desire is because if I don't write down the quotes as soon as I find them, I tend to pile my "completed" books into a heap and then try to delay further reading for fear I'll forget the quotes before I get back around to refinding them all and writing them down in a book.

Since I am admittedly terrible about maintaining this blog, (although I'm still clinging to the hope that eventually I'll feel less awkward about it and it will take me less than several hours to write a single post) I thought that I'd start posting some of my favourite quotes. Which encourages me to continue doing something I'm already passionately fond of doing and gives you, the reader, something new to read.

So, yes, this is more or less my announcement that posts including a single, thought provoking quote with minimal commentary from myself shall start appearing each week. You are informed.

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